Several CFISD business partners have announced Adopt-a-School partnerships with district campuses during the back-to-school season.
Brianna Bischoff, Realtor, adopted Sampson ES on Aug. 15.
Several CFISD business partners have announced Adopt-a-School partnerships with district campuses during the back-to-school season.
Brianna Bischoff, Realtor, adopted Sampson ES on Aug. 15.
T.A.P is an educational afterschool program for female students at Tipps Elementary School, focused on building self-confidence, self-esteem, respect and other important life skills to become productive citizens and strong female leaders.
This organization offered to the girls and place of inspiration to value themselves to be contributors of this society. The T.A.P. program and lessons are designed to change the mindset, confidence and self-esteem of each girl.
"We believe having the assurance, strong social skills and confidence and other empowerments will increase the girls' academic, social, and emotional whole self," said Lisa Roberson, Tipps reading interventionist and T.A.P. sponsor.
Throughout the school year, the initiative gives the students a safe place to express themselves. They receive lessons on hygiene practices, self-esteem, team building, building positive relationships, trust, public speaking techniques, table etiquette, table manners, and short and long-term academic and career goals.
El 12
de diciembre, la organización Goodwill Industries de Houston llevó a cabo su Almuerzo
de Navidad anual al cual asistieron representantes de varios programas de
trabajo diferentes, socios comunitarios (locales y estatales) y clientes o
participantes. Goodwill se enorgullece de sus asociaciones comunitarias y
destaca el éxito de más de 14 000 personas que reciben servicios y tienen
acceso al empleo.
ISD recibió el premio Socio Comunitario del Año por sus continuos esfuerzos y
apoyo al Programa de Empleabilidad. Desde la primavera de 2023, CFISD ha tenido
24 estudiantes de nuestro programa Life Skills y VITAL participando en esta
capacitación laboral remunerada de 12 semanas.
Estamos contentos de tener 10 estudiantes adicionales del Carlton Center que comenzaron el programa el 8 de enero de 2024.
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2023 Community Partner of the Year
On Dec. 12, Goodwill Industries of Houston held their annual Holiday Luncheon. In attendance were representatives from several different work programs, community partners (local and state) and clients/participants. Goodwill prides itself on their community partnerships and highlighted the success of over 14,000 individuals receiving services and access to employment.
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD was given the Community Partner of the Year award for our continued efforts and support of the Employability Program. CFISD has had 24 students from the LIFE Skills and VITAL program participate in this 12-week paid on-the-job training since the spring semester of 2023.
We are excited to have had an additional 10 students from the
Carlton Center begin the program on Jan. 8.
Save the Date!!
Annual Career and Community Connections
for students with disabilities and their
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
at the Berry Center, 9AM-1PM
¡Reserve la fecha!
Feria Anual de Conexiones Profesionales y
para estudiantes con discapacidades y sus
Miércoles 21 de febrero de 2024
en el Berry Center de 9 a.m. a 1 p.m.
In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), enacted in 1986, all schools, public or private, are required to have an inspection of all buildings, for asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM), by accredited asbestos-trained personnel. CFISD facilities have been inspected in 2021, 2022 and 2023 by an environmental consulting firm located in Houston, Texas, which is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) to perform asbestos condition assessments of all suspect and identified ACBM. Building materials at each campus/facility were observed to be in undamaged condition and/or present minimal hazards, if any, to building occupants. Periodic surveillance is also conducted semi-annually by CFISD personnel.
AHERA requires that this annual notification be posted and distributed to parents, staff, faculty, PTA, etc. indicating the AHERA Asbestos Management Plan will be available for review upon request. The AHERA Re-inspection report and the AHERA Asbestos Management Plan are on file in the administrative offices. Under federal law, the documents are considered “permanent archives” and may not be removed from the premises under any circumstances. However, these records are available for review, upon request, at any time during normal school hours.
For more information contact Scott Vanderzyden, Director of Maintenance, at
A reminder that Sept. 5, Labor Day, is a holiday for
CFISD students and employees. Enjoy the time off!